Welcome to our newest KIAAA members:
Kathy Barnett, David Clark, Matt Fox, Michael Ghram, Mark Mahoney, Whitney McGinnis, Terry Meadows, Tyan Norton, Shelbie Morgison, Ronald Allan, Matt Scipsick, Samuel Carnes, Cole Fredrickson, Andrew Gaylor, Brianna Mader, Ben Packard, Barney Pontious, Susan Slater, Ryan Stuart, Andrew Stueve, Taylor Wilson
Upcoming DATES
KIAAA Annual Fall Workshop Nov 6th
New Member Outreach Nov 5th -
Newest CAA
Congratulations to Anthony Douglas from Wichita North and Steen Danielsen from Andover Central for recently completing their CAA certification at this year's spring conference
Open Dates
Do you have an open date in your schedule or need a team for your tournament? Complete the form at the bottom of the OPENINGS tab and click submit. REMINDER - You MUST be a KIAAA member to post on the OPENINGS tab.
Send Us Your Picture or Story-
Do you have a picture of an athletic event at your school that you would like to share on the KIAAA website? Send it to KIAAA.org.
Women of the KIAAA
The KIAAA is honored to celebrate the 50th year of Title IX by featuring articles about some of the leading female ADs in the state. Click HERE to read about this month's feature AD, Lacey Keller from Palco High School.
2017 Award Winners
Each year the KIAAA Recognizes the following categories:
District ADs of the Year
Middle School AD of the Year
Promising AD
NIAAA State Award of Merit
The KIAAA is proud to announce the award winners for 2017. The current winners will be recognized at the Annual Awards Banquet on April 3, 2017 at the DoulbleTree Hilton in Wichita
Click HERE for a list of previous award receipents.
Robert Rempel
District 1 AD of the YearHillsboro High School
Penny Lane
District 2 AD of the YearTopeka Wasburn Rural
John Johnson
District 3 AD of the YearShawnee Mission South High School
Larry Dostert
District 4 AD of the YearWichita Bishop Carroll High School
Todd Hague
Middle School AD of the YearCheney Middle/High School
Chris Asmussen
Newcomer Promising ADWichita Southeast High School
Curtis Conrad
NIAAA State Award of Merit -
Ron Preston
Sportswriter of the YearAbilene Reflector-Chronicle
Charles Osen
Sportscaster of the YearKSOK Winfield
Robert Weber
Carp Award Winner
Welcome to our newest KIAAA members:
Kathy Barnett, David Clark, Matt Fox, Michael Ghram, Mark Mahoney, Whitney McGinnis, Terry Meadows, Tyan Norton, Shelbie Morgison, Ronald Allan, Matt Scipsick, Samuel Carnes, Cole Fredrickson, Andrew Gaylor, Brianna Mader, Ben Packard, Barney Pontious, Susan Slater, Ryan Stuart, Andrew Stueve, Taylor Wilson
Upcoming DATES
KIAAA Annual Fall Workshop Nov 6th
New Member Outreach Nov 5th -
Newest CAA
Congratulations to Anthony Douglas from Wichita North and Steen Danielsen from Andover Central for recently completing their CAA certification at this year's spring conference
Open Dates
Do you have an open date in your schedule or need a team for your tournament? Complete the form at the bottom of the OPENINGS tab and click submit. REMINDER - You MUST be a KIAAA member to post on the OPENINGS tab.
Send Us Your Picture or Story-
Do you have a picture of an athletic event at your school that you would like to share on the KIAAA website? Send it to KIAAA.org.
Women of the KIAAA
The KIAAA is honored to celebrate the 50th year of Title IX by featuring articles about some of the leading female ADs in the state. Click HERE to read about this month's feature AD, Lacey Keller from Palco High School.