Welcome to our newest KIAAA members:
Kathy Barnett, David Clark, Matt Fox, Michael Ghram, Mark Mahoney, Whitney McGinnis, Terry Meadows, Tyan Norton, Shelbie Morgison, Ronald Allan, Matt Scipsick, Samuel Carnes, Cole Fredrickson, Andrew Gaylor, Brianna Mader, Ben Packard, Barney Pontious, Susan Slater, Ryan Stuart, Andrew Stueve, Taylor Wilson
Upcoming DATES
KIAAA Annual Fall Workshop Nov 6th
New Member Outreach Nov 5th -
Newest CAA
Congratulations to Anthony Douglas from Wichita North and Steen Danielsen from Andover Central for recently completing their CAA certification at this year's spring conference
Open Dates
Do you have an open date in your schedule or need a team for your tournament? Complete the form at the bottom of the OPENINGS tab and click submit. REMINDER - You MUST be a KIAAA member to post on the OPENINGS tab.
Send Us Your Picture or Story-
Do you have a picture of an athletic event at your school that you would like to share on the KIAAA website? Send it to KIAAA.org.
Women of the KIAAA
The KIAAA is honored to celebrate the 50th year of Title IX by featuring articles about some of the leading female ADs in the state. Click HERE to read about this month's feature AD, Lacey Keller from Palco High School.
NIAAA Course Descriptions
The Foundation Courses provide a base of knowledge and skill that serves as a platform for conducting educationally sound extra-curricular activities.
LTC 501 Athletic Administration: Philosophy, Leadership Organizations and Professional Programs
The flagship course of Leadership Training serves as an overview for interscholastic athletic administration. This course introduces the philosophy of educational athletics then focuses on the roles of the NIAAA, the NFHS, the State Athletic/Activity Associations, and the State Athletic Administrator’s Associations. The course also previews the NIAAA Leadership Training and Certification Programs. It is a prerequisite for all levels of certification and includes study materials for the CAA Certification.
LTC 502 Athletic Administration: Principles, Strategies and Methods
This course takes a basic approach to the fundamentals and methods of athletic administration and alerts and educates athletic administrators regarding potential problems and possible solutions in areas such as budgets, transportation, and scheduling and parent/student/coach conflicts. The course also touches upon sample athletic/activity program philosophies, department organizational charts, activity procedures/checklist, public relations, coaching applications/assessments and emergency plans.
Required for: RAA, CAA and CMAA Certification
LTC 504 Athletic Administration: Legal Issues I (Risk Management)
This course has in-depth coverage of all aspects of liability for sports injuries and risk management, including the duties imposed on athletic administrators, coaches, athletic trainers, and other athletic personnel, documentation requirements for an effective risk management program, and development of a strategic plan for risk management in the context of an interscholastic athletic program.
Required for: CAA and CMAA Certification
LTC 506 Athletic Administration: Legal Issues II (Title IX, Sexual Harassment)
This course has in-depth coverage of compliance issues regarding Title IX and gender equity in an interscholastic athletic program, including the methodology for a school to perform a Title IX self-audit, and in-depth coverage of the issues and strategies related to the development of an effective policy for the prevention of sexual harassment in an interscholastic athletic program.
Required for: CAA and CMAA Certification
LTC 508 Athletic Administration: Legal Issues III – (Hazing, ADA, Employment Law)
This course has in-depth coverage of the issues and strategies related to the development of an effective policy for prevention of hazing in an interscholastic athletic program, coverage of the constitutional and statutory issues affecting athletic programs, including the impact of disabilities legislation on school athletics, and coverage of employment law concerns affecting athletic programs, including contract law, equal pay and FLSA issues. Required for: CMAA Certification
LTC 511 Athletic Administration: Concepts and Strategies for Interscholastic Budgeting and Finance Using Excel Spreadsheets
This course of study provides an overview of accepted management practices and strategies. Included are budget models, timelines, documentation practices and suggested strategies for long range planning. A major component of this course will be desktop budget management using Excel Spreadsheets. It is highly recommended that attendees bring a laptop computer with at least Windows 2003, including Excel.
(Three Courses Required for CMAA)
The Operations and Management Courses provide skills, knowledge and best practices that enhance administrator efficiency and effectiveness in the management and operation of extra-curricular activities.
LTC 608 Athletic Administration: Management Strategies and Organization Techniques
This course is designed to inform athletic administrators how to more effectively organize and manage their time, apply time management principles, be more productive and have balance to life. Instruction will focus on 12 key components and strategies, including proven techniques and tips to teach participants how to: Set Goals and Priorities, Plan for Results, Organize for Success, Process Paperwork, Delegate Effectively, Eliminate Time Wasters, Enhance Decision- Making, Make Meetings Productive, Conquer Procrastination, Utilize Technology, Communicate Effectively and Reduce Stress.
LTC 611 Athletic Administration: Concepts and Strategies for Interscholastic Fundraising, Marketing, Promotions and Booster Clubs.
This course will provide the athletic administrator with strategies and ideas to successfully promote and market the school’s interscholastic programs and to enhance the success of supplemental fund-raising
designed to create interest in, increase enthusiasm for, and enhance the image of, a school’s interscholastic activities program are described. Models of supplemental fund-raising are summarized, including a focused segment on working successfully with booster clubs and safeguarding of funds that have been raised. The potential for raising funds through grants and outreach efforts for major gifts are introduced. Detailed information related to corporate sponsorship is provided. Appendices include sample materials that may be utilized for grant and corporate sponsorship applications, marketing plans, and booster clubs, as well as fund-raising resources.
LTC 612 Athletic Administration: Technology I – Basic Computer Word and Power Point Skills
The course is an excellent resource and a useful tool in the everyday responsibilities of the athletic administrator when making presentations to community groups, booster clubs, boards of education, etc. Attendees will receive basic instruction and procedures in Word and PowerPoint. The hands-on course will offer the athletic administrator an opportunity to actively take part in the presentation of the course. It is highly recommended that attendees obtain or bring a lap top computer with at least Windows 2007 (including Power Point) for this class.
LTC 613 – Athletic Administration: Technology II Excel and Outlook
This course is designed for those who would like to understand the use of Excel and Outlook as office and program management tools. Topics will include email, calendar, folder management, attachments, favorites, advanced searches and Outlook 2007. Additional areas covered in the overview are, creating charts, graphs, forms and documents in Microsoft Excel. The hands-on course will offer the athletic administrator an opportunity to actively take part in the presentation of the course. It is highly recommended that attendees obtain or bring a lap top computer with at least Windows 2007 (including Outlook and Excel) for this class.
LTC 614 – Athletic Administration: Technology III-Enhancing Public Presentations
This course is designed for those who would like to learn to use some of the advanced features of PowerPoint such as action buttons, master slide design, narration, sound and video insertions. Participants will also learn to use Photo Story 3 as a means of creating video stories and converting PowerPoint to video. The hands-on course will offer the athletic administrator opportunities to actively take part in the presentation of the course. For maximum benefit, it is highly recommended that attendees bring a lap top computer with at least Windows 2007 (including PowerPoint and Photo Story 3) to this class.
LTC 615 Athletic Administration: Athletic Field Management
This course provides athletic administrators with a practical, cost-effective and scientific approach to turf management. Upon completion, administrators will have developed skills and knowledge required to maintain safe, resilient and attractive fields. The course will help athletic administrators develop long-range, operational and assessment plans and a documentation process for outdoor playing surfaces.
LTC 616 Athletic Administration: Management of Indoor Physical Plant Assets
This course considers spectator facilities, special use gymnasia, natatoriums, laundry rooms and locker rooms, and the various systems that support them. Mechanical system checklists for use in regular inspections and maintenance programming will be provided. In addition, considerations and issues related to construction and remodeling programs will be discussed.
LTC 617 Athletic Administration: Administration of Interscholastic Sports Medicine Programs
This course examines the role of the athletic director and other school administrators in supporting and developing the interscholastic sports medicine program within a school or district. Coverage will include: (1) philosophy of sports medicine services; (2) roles and responsibilities of the Certified Athletic Trainer (A.T.C.); (3) roles of other members of the sports medicine team; (4) the high school sports medicine center – specifications and equipment; (5) helping parents, athletes and the general public understand the role of athletic trainers; (6) legal issues and risk management strategies; and (7) contemporary administrative issues and response strategies. A series of appendices will also be developed to provide athletic directors and athletic trainers with helpful information.
LTC 618 – Athletic Administration: Management of Athletic Equipment
The course examines the role of the athletic director and other school administrators in supporting and developing a comprehensive program for accountability and management of athletic equipment. The course will take a basic approach to the fundaments and methods of managing player’s athletic equipment. The topics covered will include: (1) Accountability/Management; (2) Accountability/Legal Issues/Liability in Managing Athletic Equipment; (3) Accountability/ Inventory; (4) Accountability/Purchasing (5) Accountability/Storage/Security; (7) Accountability/Laundry; Best practices; (7) Accountability/Maintenance /Repair/reconditioning. This course makes use of principles, strategies and best practices for managing athletic equipment. All methods and techniques discussed will be drawn from the Athletic Equipment Managers Association standards and practices.
LTC 619 Athletic Administration: The Power of Curb Appeal
The power of curb appeal is highlighted in this course. Visitors to a school often form an opinion of the school and community based on first impressions of the appearance of the facilities. This course discusses the power of curb appeal and how communication can enhance curb appeal. Strategies and methods are provided for maintaining structures and facilities as well as a comprehensive and thorough study of “Best Turf Field Maintenance Practices” as well as “Best Operational Management Practices.”
LTI 620 Athletic Administration: Concussion Assessment and Management and the Proper Fitting of Athletic Protective Equipment
This course examines the role of the athletic director and other school administrators in supporting the use of the three principle P’s – the principles of concussion awareness and management, proper fitting of protective equipment; proper preparation of athletes for participation.
Part I consist of principles of concussion awareness and management; Part II: proper fitting of all protective athletic equipment; Part III: preparation for participation: This also includes a description of the PPE (pre participation evaluation form) and neurological testing.
LTC 621 Athletic Administration: Synthetic Fields, Design & Construction Components
This course will review the stages and procedures involved in defining the concept, ensuring a successful design and the selection of a qualified professional to construct a synthetic turf playing surfaces. Discussion will take place regarding specific language, selection criteria bidding strategies and a checklist of contract considerations. In addition, a review of requirements to ensure professional project management, necessary steps to maintain quality assurance and best practices for care and maintenance.
LTC 622 Athletic Administration: FIELD SAFETY: Sports Fields
Field safety is a modern day concern, from sports specific performance to player concussions.
This comprehensive field safety course provides an in-depth education regarding the best practices, methods, testing equipment utilized and documentation required to ensure a sports field is maintained in its optimum performance and in an effort to maximize player safety. The course specifically addresses both natural grass and synthetic turf playing surfaces, how to measure the performance and the associated remediate strategies when necessary. Participants will be armed with detailed information on how to conduct a field assessment, measure Gmax and create a risk mitigation program. The course incorporates documentation to promote field safety, equipment, use of natural turf chemicals, game day procedures, heat, cold, lifecycle planning, document retention, including a discussion on enhanced reporting systems. Included in the course is a written exam.
(Upon the successful completion of the LTI 622 course the participant will be eligible to sign up for a practical exam outside the in-class requirement to demonstrate proficiency in the utilization of the various testing requirements. This optional opportunity for the participant is a hands-on certification process administered by Turf Industry, Inc. The participant will demonstrate their capability to professionally utilize the appropriate testing devices to inspect sports field safety for both natural grass and synthetic turf sports fields. Specifically, the participant will be certified in the use of both the 2.25 KG Clegg Hammer and Triax-A Missile for Gmax Shock Attenuation measurements. The exercise may require a participant to travel to a sight where the practical exam is being administered.
LTC 625 Athletic Administration: Management of Game and Event Announcing
This course is designed to assist athletic administrators in understanding their role in managing public address announcing at their contests and events. Topics include the role of the athletic administrator in hiring, training and evaluating announcers; developing expectations for their announcers and strategies for communicating the role of the public address announcer in an interscholastic setting. Course points include guidelines and code of conduct for P.A. announcers; the role of the announcer in promoting good sportsmanship; guidelines for script writing / editing; developing emergency situation /security announcements and discussion / examples of “do’s” and “don’ts” of public address announcing.
LTC 626 Athletic Administration: Chemical use (Available December, 2013)
LTC 627 Athletic Administration: Administration of Interscholastic Sports Strength & Conditioning Programs
This course will examine the role of the athletic director and other school administrators in supporting and developing the interscholastic strength & conditioning program within a school or district. In this regard, topic coverage will include: (1) philosophy of strength & conditioning for ages 12-18; (2) function of strength & conditioning in rehabilitation of injury; (3) roles and responsibilities of coaches and athletic administrators; (4) the interscholastic weight room – specifications and equipment; (5) financial issues and strategies; (6) helping parents, athletes and the general public understand the role strength and conditioning; (7) legal issues and risk management strategies; (8) certification of strength & conditioning
Personnel; (9) performance enhancing substances in interscholastic strength & conditioning; and (10) contemporary administrative issues and response strategies.
LTC 630 Athletic Administration: Interscholastic Contest Management – Planning, Preparation and Methods
This course examines the historic foundations and precedents for contest management as an extension of educationally sound sports programs. Planning methods for contest management are examined including selection of supervisory personnel, suggested need assessment tools, and checklists for the development of supervision plans and policies. In addition, an overview of methods is suggested for creation of an educationally sound competition environment among players, coaches, students and other spectators. The course emphasizes the need for flexible plans and responses to various contest situations and contingencies
The Leadership Courses provide knowledge and skill that will facilitate development of new visions, creative strategies and innovative practices for educationally sound extra-curricular activities.
(Three Courses Required for CMAA)
LTC 700 Athletic Administration: Philosophy of Developmentally Appropriate Middle School Athletic Programs.
This course provides insights and strategies for the leadership of developmentally sound educationally compatible middle level school athletic programs. Middle school philosophy is discussed along with the relationship it has to the psychological and physical development of the middle school child. This course also focuses on concerns and/or challenges raised about the value of middle school sports programs in today’s educational setting. Required for MSRAA.
LTC 701 Athletic Administration: Administration and Application of Middle School Athletic Programs
This course provides strategies for the development of middle school athletic programs and concentrates on the role of the middle school coach and coaching principles. Middle level athletics is an essential part of the total educational process and an excellent opportunity for the home, school and community to work together in order to provide a positive educational experience for middle level children.
Required for MSRAA
LTC 703 Athletic Administration: Student Centered Educational Athletics—Performance Beyond the X’s and O’s
This student centered program will provide learning experiences for student athletes beyond the X’s and O’s. This course will support a value based curriculum that will demonstrate model behaviors and qualities that students should emulate both in and out of the athletic arena. Teachable moments beyond the classroom—center court, centerfield or center ice—provide the opportunity to promote and maximize the achievement of these educational goals and life skills. This course will provide the necessary strategies, methods and resources to implement this initiative within your own school.
LTC 705 Athletic Administration: Coach Centered Educational Athletics—A Character Based Coach to Coach mentoring program
Character based coach to coach mentoring programs utilize the talents, strengths and qualities of the entire team of coaches to maximize the potential of the coaching staff. Mentoring is an attitude, a relationship and an investment which provides coaches the opportunity to support and nurture each other professionally, personally and ethically. This course will highlight mentoring models that demonstrate key behaviors to implement when establishing an effective mentoring program. It will also provide athletic administrators strategies and methods to develop and enhance successful coach to coach mentoring programs.
LTC 707 Athletic Administration: Assessment of Interscholastic Athletic Programs and Personnel
This course examines a philosophical rationale and a variety of methods that may be used to assess athletic programs and personnel. The goals of this program are to improve the performance of athletic coaches and other athletic department personnel, improvement of program operations and improvement of satisfaction among players, parents and employees. A central theme is to encourage assessment of needs, interests and opinions that can enhance goal-setting and planning priorities. The course examines a philosophical rationale for assessment of high school sport programs, discusses basic statistical concepts, focuses on Affective Assessment, describes various Personnel Assessment methods and concepts, and details various Program Assessment techniques.
LTC 709 Athletic Administration: Communications, Methods and Applications for Athletic Administrators
This course examines relevant strategies and principles that can be used to enhance the skills of athletic administrators in communications. This course is focused on Communications concepts. Materials and strategies for the enhancement for communication skills are provided. Appendices provide relevant materials that support text materials and principles.
LTC 710-A Athletic Administration: Current Issues in American Sports
(Dealing with Parents, Ath.Dir. Burnout, Ethics & Media Relations, Retaining Coaches, Technology). A panel of secondary level athletic administrators and outside experts will lead small-group discussions of important issues and effective response strategies for 3 topics of contemporary issues selected to be presented will be examined by using a moderator to guide the discussion and cover certain aspects of the topic. Participants will have an opportunity to participate in the discussion. The instructional format of the course will consist of lecture, seminar discussion and audience interaction. Enrollees who will derive greatest benefit: Administrators seeking discussion of current issues and problem resolution strategies.
LTC 710-B Athletic Administration: Current Issues in American Sports
(Booster Clubs, Home Schooling, Hazing, Specialization, Performance Enhancing Substances, Equity Issues). A panel of secondary level athletic administrators and outside experts will lead small-group discussions of important issues and effective response strategies for 3 topics of contemporary issues selected to be presented will be examined by using a moderator to guide the discussion and cover certain aspects of the topic. Participants will have an opportunity to participate in the discussion. The instructional format of the course will consist of lecture, seminar discussion and audience interaction.
Enrollees who will derive greatest benefit: Administrators seeking discussion of current issues and problem resolution strategies.
LTC 714 Athletic Administration: Dealing With Challenging Personalities
This course examines the causes of challenging or difficult personalities in society, with specific reference to interscholastic athletic programs. Basic management strategies include the use of emotional intelligence and transactional analysis considerations and methods. Specific protocols will be defined for dealing with individuals who “must be right,” “must win,” “must be logical” and “must be accepted.” In addition, techniques will be covered for preventing or responding to anger, sarcasm, denigration, complainers and backbiters and rigid-obstinate personalities. A model will also be discussed for
creative interaction with parents who demand involvement in athletic department decision-making or who seek to influence the decisions of senior administrators.
LTC 719 Athletic Administration: Leadership, Management/Supervision and Decision Making Concepts, Methods and Applications
This course examines relevant strategies and principles that can be utilized to enhance the skills of the athletic administrator in the areas of leadership, management and decision-making. Learning begins with an introduction to the differences between leadership, management and supervision, and continues with an in-depth investigation of each. Through the analysis of specific leadership and management characteristics and techniques, students will be able to apply specific skills to improve their leadership effectiveness. Concepts and techniques of decision making strategies are discussed and demonstrated through various in-class exercises. Appendices provide relevant materials, instruments and assessment procedures that support text materials and principles.
LTC 720 Athletic Administration: Community Centered Educational Athletics—A Character Based Approach to Identifying and Unifying the Whole Team
Character based educational athletics can only truly succeed when the entire community—School Board, Superintendent, Principal, Parents and Boosters—support and embrace the values and views lived daily in the school setting by the student and strategies needed to implement these programs within the entire community athletes, coaches, athletic department and school faculty. Without question, teachable moments in athletics prepare students for life when the whole community supports and reinforces those life lessons. This course will empower the athletic administrator to motivate the entire community to walk the talk by creating strategies to use in your school community.
LTC 721 Athletic Administrations: Positive Sporting Behavior-For the Love of the Game
In this course students will learn to implement appropriate strategies and techniques, designed to create a positive, productive learning environment, which will support a system that encourages character and self-discipline and sportsmanship. This class will provide opportunities for self assessment and reflection in regards to prior performance. In addition students will participate in class discussions, and activities which will increase their knowledge and skills of the effective components of successful character, citizenship and sportsmanship to share with their students, coaches, parents and communities
LTC 723 Athletic Administration: Administration of Professional Growth Programs For Interscholastic Athletic Personnel
Since enactment of Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, the number of high school sports programs has increased geometrically. This pattern of growth has created an ever-increasing demand for trained coaches at all levels of high school and middle school competition. While the term “trained” may be defined variously, legal definitions, court cases and professional standards of care have clearly identified various competencies and performance expectations for coaches. In courts, these standards have placed increased responsibilities on athletic directors. First, is an obligation to carefully screen candidates for coaching positions during the hiring process. Second, is the responsibility to provide in-service training opportunities to ensure that all coaches are prepared for their work with children of variable skill and maturity levels.
LTC 724 Athletic Administration: Stress Management Methods, Techniques and Systems
The demands of high intensity daily work, evening and weekend supervision requirements, demanding public expectations, challenging interactions and limited resources place the athletic director in a stressful position. Needed are ways of intervening stress, managing its onset and using proven methods for reducing its impact. Stress will ALWAYS be present. Because of the individual nature of perception and preferred response, this course will provide an overview of individual methods (breathing control, muscle relaxation and mindfulness) along with systems drawn both from conventional Western medical practices and Eastern alternative or complementary medicine. In the latter area, an introduction to Yoga/Meditation, Tai Chi, Ai Chi, Acupuncture and Healing Touch will be used to complement the more traditional pain and stress management practices.
LTC 790 Athletic Administration: Leadership Training Instructional Methods and Techniques
Since its inception, the integrity of the NIAAA LTI program has been maintained through the consistent and accurate delivery of course curricula. LTC 790 ensures the consistent and accurate delivery of all LTI courses by first providing instructors with an awareness of the expectations that are placed upon them as course instructors, and then by providing instructors with the appropriate instructional strategies, methods and techniques necessary to properly deliver the courses to students. Current LTI National Faculty Instructors guide potential LTI instructors through a series of exercises and interactions that demonstrate best practices for the successful teaching all LTI courses. To become an LTI instructor, individuals must complete LTC 501, LTC 790 and the course the individual will be instructing.
LTC 799 Athletic Administration: Standards of Excellence in Interscholastic Athletic Programs
Leadership Training Course 799 has two purposes and potential benefits for high school athletics directors. For newly or recently appointed directors, the course provides an overview of 11 NIAAA Leadership Training Courses (LTCs) including key concepts, strategies and best practices. Whether working to improve a program or looking for long-range planning guidance, this overview of 11 NIAAA course components can be of value. At the close of each of the nine chapters contained in the course manual, other LTCs are cited wherein an athletic director can derive more detailed information on a particular topic addressed within each 799 chapter. For more experienced directors, the same planning and guidance benefits can be derived. However, an additional benefit and incentive can be realized by seeking NIAAA and NASPE Recognition of Program Excellence in one of three categories (Meritorious, Distinguished and Exemplary). For this purpose, the course provides an assessment instrument that describes in detail important components of an educationally sound interscholastic athletic program.
Welcome to our newest KIAAA members:
Kathy Barnett, David Clark, Matt Fox, Michael Ghram, Mark Mahoney, Whitney McGinnis, Terry Meadows, Tyan Norton, Shelbie Morgison, Ronald Allan, Matt Scipsick, Samuel Carnes, Cole Fredrickson, Andrew Gaylor, Brianna Mader, Ben Packard, Barney Pontious, Susan Slater, Ryan Stuart, Andrew Stueve, Taylor Wilson
Upcoming DATES
KIAAA Annual Fall Workshop Nov 6th
New Member Outreach Nov 5th -
Newest CAA
Congratulations to Anthony Douglas from Wichita North and Steen Danielsen from Andover Central for recently completing their CAA certification at this year's spring conference
Open Dates
Do you have an open date in your schedule or need a team for your tournament? Complete the form at the bottom of the OPENINGS tab and click submit. REMINDER - You MUST be a KIAAA member to post on the OPENINGS tab.
Send Us Your Picture or Story-
Do you have a picture of an athletic event at your school that you would like to share on the KIAAA website? Send it to KIAAA.org.
Women of the KIAAA
The KIAAA is honored to celebrate the 50th year of Title IX by featuring articles about some of the leading female ADs in the state. Click HERE to read about this month's feature AD, Lacey Keller from Palco High School.