Welcome to our newest KIAAA members:
Kathy Barnett, David Clark, Matt Fox, Michael Ghram, Mark Mahoney, Whitney McGinnis, Terry Meadows, Tyan Norton, Shelbie Morgison, Ronald Allan, Matt Scipsick, Samuel Carnes, Cole Fredrickson, Andrew Gaylor, Brianna Mader, Ben Packard, Barney Pontious, Susan Slater, Ryan Stuart, Andrew Stueve, Taylor Wilson
Upcoming DATES
KIAAA Annual Fall Workshop Nov 6th
New Member Outreach Nov 5th -
Newest CAA
Congratulations to Anthony Douglas from Wichita North and Steen Danielsen from Andover Central for recently completing their CAA certification at this year's spring conference
Open Dates
Do you have an open date in your schedule or need a team for your tournament? Complete the form at the bottom of the OPENINGS tab and click submit. REMINDER - You MUST be a KIAAA member to post on the OPENINGS tab.
Send Us Your Picture or Story-
Do you have a picture of an athletic event at your school that you would like to share on the KIAAA website? Send it to KIAAA.org.
Women of the KIAAA
The KIAAA is honored to celebrate the 50th year of Title IX by featuring articles about some of the leading female ADs in the state. Click HERE to read about this month's feature AD, Lacey Keller from Palco High School.
Vendor Information
The KIAAA Annual Conference is a great event and a favorite among vendors. Approximately 170 athletic directors and 65 vendors attend the conference each year. The Kansas athletic directors are always interested in visiting booths to learn more about products and place orders for their schools. By participating in this show you and your business have the opportunity to form relationships with Kansas ADs. Furthermore, rather than meeting with one athletic director at a time, the KIAAA Conference allows the vendor to communicate with ADs from all over the state in a centralized relaxed, casual setting. Registration for the 2024 vendor expo is now available.
In addition to showcasing your company during the exhibition time, the KIAAA also invites vendors to participate with the attending ADs in the golf tournament on the prior Saturday. Information and sign-up for the golf tournament are included on the registration site. If you have previously registered in the KIAAA Amp Portal, enter your email and password as instructed. If you are new to this portal, click on the blue button labeled "Apply for an account". There you will enter your name and name and email. Click "Submit Request". You will receive an email back once your email has been registered (usually within 24 hours). From that point, you can enter the registration page. Please email mhaught@kiaaa.org if you haven't received a login link.
Two final points. First, if your company is interested in being a Corporate Sponsor, click HERE and/or email mhaught@kiaaa.org. Certain levels of sponsorship provide free vendor booth space, web presence, and other promotional benefits. Second, the KIAAA has an Endowment that is directed toward the KIAAA Student Scholarship Program. We encourage all conference attendees, both ADs and vendors, to contribute to the Endowment Program. That box is also included on the registration site.
KIAAA Conference Moves Back to Manhattan
Manhattan Convention Center and Hilton Garden Suites
(Vendor Day: Sunday March 24 10:30 am-2:30 pm)
Click HERE to see the Conference Agenda
Click HERE to see the For Hotel Information and Link
To register as a vendor for the KIAAA Spring Conference, send an email to mhaught@kiaaa.org. Indicate your company name, primary contact name, and primary contact email. We will register your email on our site and we will send you a link to log in and complete the registration.
Vendors can sign-up for one or two tables. The cost is $400 per table/booth. Two badges/tickets are provided with the one-table package and four badges/tickets are provided with the two-table package. Additional badges may be purchased that qualify additional representatives to service your table and participate in the vendor luncheon on Sunday at noon.
Vendors and sponsors are encouraged to participate in the conference golf tournament on Saturday, March 23, While the golf tournament is an additional add-on ticket, it is a great opportunity to participate shoulder-to-shoulder with potential clients.
As you can see, the KIAAA Annual Meeting and Conference is a very vendor/sponsor-oriented event. We attempt to make things more time-efficient for our vendors. Our vendor time is more productive because there are no competing activities during this period that would draw ADs out of the expo hall. And with the additional activities available on the agenda, vendors have a chance to double, or even triple, their contact time with attending ADs depending on the activities your company chooses to participate in.
Vendors have the opportunity on the registration site to sign-up for flyer distribution in the attendee's packets. See the registration site for more information. These materials are seen by every attendee and are a great way for vendors to get pre-show information into the member’s hands.
Each vendor has the opportunity to present a product to the vendor drawing held in the vendor hall. This also is a way to bring exposure to your company or organization. The vendor door prize drawing will occur during the vendor launching on March 24 during the luncheon. Vendors can choose to have door-prize winners report to their booth, thereby increasing the opportunity to interact with clients.
Vendor Feedback:
"Loved the willingness of participants to stop and talk with me.”
“This is my favorite convention for the Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa area.”
“We appreciate the way the Kansas AD’s take time to stop and at least thank us for attendance and see what we are offering. This is not true for all states we attend.”
“I very much enjoyed attending this conference. Well organized.”
“Great conference. We will be back.”
“First-time vendor – great overall experience – can’t wait to come back!”
Welcome to our newest KIAAA members:
Kathy Barnett, David Clark, Matt Fox, Michael Ghram, Mark Mahoney, Whitney McGinnis, Terry Meadows, Tyan Norton, Shelbie Morgison, Ronald Allan, Matt Scipsick, Samuel Carnes, Cole Fredrickson, Andrew Gaylor, Brianna Mader, Ben Packard, Barney Pontious, Susan Slater, Ryan Stuart, Andrew Stueve, Taylor Wilson
Upcoming DATES
KIAAA Annual Fall Workshop Nov 6th
New Member Outreach Nov 5th -
Newest CAA
Congratulations to Anthony Douglas from Wichita North and Steen Danielsen from Andover Central for recently completing their CAA certification at this year's spring conference
Open Dates
Do you have an open date in your schedule or need a team for your tournament? Complete the form at the bottom of the OPENINGS tab and click submit. REMINDER - You MUST be a KIAAA member to post on the OPENINGS tab.
Send Us Your Picture or Story-
Do you have a picture of an athletic event at your school that you would like to share on the KIAAA website? Send it to KIAAA.org.
Women of the KIAAA
The KIAAA is honored to celebrate the 50th year of Title IX by featuring articles about some of the leading female ADs in the state. Click HERE to read about this month's feature AD, Lacey Keller from Palco High School.